Goals & Objective

Goals & Objective / Vision & Mission

Goals & Objective

    The 1 International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 serves as an intersection for a diverse community of global health professionals, experts, and visionary thinkers. The overarching goal of the conference is to stimulate the exchange of the latest developments, research, and innovative strategies within the realm of health sciences.

    Our primary objective is to advance knowledge and practices related to health. The conference is designed to inspire thought-provoking dialogues, forge partnerships, and ignite innovative ideas. By doing this, we strive to fortify the international health sciences community and improve the effectiveness of healthcare practices worldwide.

    Additionally, the conference provides a platform for professionals to broaden their networks. This not only enables them to remain current on the latest trends but also enhances their understanding of global health and beauty.

    The IHC 2023 has a distinct focus on the New Era of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine and Stem Cells as the future medicine. This conference also share about update in plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. And there will be workshop and symposium about Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Degenerative Spine Disease, Aesthetics, and Anti-Aging. Understanding Stem Cells, Secretome, and Exosome, Bio Identical Human Growth Hormone for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine and Men Vitality. We are committed to exploring the latest advancements, understanding the prevailing challenges, and identifying exciting opportunities within these sectors.

    Another important objective of the conference is to promote Bali as a promising destination for medical tourism. The event is hosted in the Special Economic Zone of Bali, located in the heart of Bali, giving participants an immersive experience that allows them to grasp the unique potential that this beautiful island holds in the field of medical tourism. Together, these goals and objectives make the IHC 2023 a pivotal event for the international health community.


    Inspiring Transformation and Progress in Global Healthcare
    The 1 International Health Conference 2023, Bali, envisions a world where advancements in the dynamic sectors of stem cell research, aesthetics, anti-aging, wellness, and medical tourism converge, transforming the face of global healthcare. We aim to promote the sharing of cutting-edge scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovative ideas, ultimately leading to improved quality of life, increased lifespan, and health equity across the globe. Our vision is to foster a health-oriented global community that is not only reactive but proactive in improving overall well-being.

    Driving Innovations for Health and Longevity
    Our mission for The 1 International Health Conference 2023, Bali, is to create a meaningful space for experts, innovators, practitioners, and everyone passionate about health. This platform allows for vital conversations, knowledge exchange, and the development of transformative breakthroughs in stem cell research, aesthetics, anti-aging, wellness, and medical tourism. Our aim is to empower our global community to create real, sustainable improvements in health and well-being.

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