Program Schedule

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI

The quest for youthfulness and vitality has spurred significant advancements in the anti-aging sector. This event offers an enlightening dive into the multifaceted world of age prevention, rejuvenation, and well-being.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine stands at the frontier of medical science, offering unparalleled potential in healing and restoration.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Stem Cell

Stem cells are the body's raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI

Aesthetic medicine aims to provide assistance to patients seeking aesthetic beauty by aiding the maintenance, modification, and reshaping of their bodily appearance and beauty. Aesthetic medicine includes aesthetic surgery, aesthetic dermatology, aesthetic dentistry, aesthetic traditional Chinese medicine, aesthetic medical technology, aesthetic healthcare technology, aesthetic clinical psychology, medical aesthetic techniques, etc.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, preventive medicine emerges as a proactive approach, emphasizing the prevention of diseases before they occur. This event spotlights the strategies, research, and practices designed to shield individuals from health risks and chronic conditions.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI

A branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It includes medical oncology (the use of chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and other drugs to treat cancer), radiation oncology (the use of radiation therapy to treat cancer), and surgical oncology (the use of surgery and other procedures to treat cancer)

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Nutrition & Diet

Diet and nutrition are fundamental in maintaining the general and oral health of populations. Diet refers to the total amount of food consumed by individuals; whereas nutrition is the process of utilising food for growth, metabolism and repair of tissues.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Medical Technologies

The intersection of technology and medicine has ushered in a new era of healthcare, characterized by groundbreaking innovations that promise improved outcomes and enhanced patient experiences.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Health Tourism

Health Tourism stands at the intersection of care and exploration. This event delves into the burgeoning world of health and wellness travel, shedding light on the opportunities and innovations within this unique sector.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI

Orthopedy is the cornerstone of movement and quality of life. This event delves into the intricacies of the musculoskeletal system, spotlighting the latest advancements, research, and treatments in the field.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI

This event offers a profound exploration into contemporary gynaecological care, treatments, and research. Attendees will immerse themselves in a spectrum of topics, from reproductive health to the latest in diagnostic tools and minimally invasive surgical techniques.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Hospital Architectural

This event delves into the transformative world of hospital architecture, where design meets functionality. Attendees will explore the latest trends, technologies, and considerations in creating spaces that foster healing and comfort.

Event Topic International Health Conference (IHC) 2023 BALI
Legal Aspect

The healthcare sector, while pivotal in ensuring societal well-being, is intertwined with a complex matrix of legal implications. This event provides a deep dive into the legal facets of the health industry, from patient rights and medical malpractice to regulatory compliance and intellectual property.

Speaker IMC 2023 Bali

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